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Perchè le Pietre Preziose?


Why Precious Stones?

..Feel the music of the stones
And, on that rhythm, dance

The gods were jealous of men: Brahma had created them more powerful than them, with the capacity and the awareness of death, love and dream.

Obviously, there is only one answer. Indeed, if there was only one answer, the stones would immediately cease to be precious. “preciosity” is a “qualitative” feature, and therefore not exhaustible in words which, by their nature, are more “quantitative”. But words can count fairy tales, create moods, create favourable conditions, inspire frames of mind, create mental pictures, accompany dreams, so everyone will find their answers. Questions and answers follow each other, become entangled in one another, until it is not clear whether its the questions that seek answers, or the answers, questions. I spent ten years to write it, and, as with all my works, it will be unfinished forever. Maybe it’s better this way, because if there were only one answer to every single question, our beautiful planet would be more arid than the moon.

Perché le Pietre Preziose?
Ori e Gemme Editrice
First Edition 2000- 352 pages
14.5 × 22 cm format

Price: € 19.65
