QUESTION number 8 on page 23 –
For the same price, is it better to get a beautiful small stone, or a large but less beautiful stone?
Behind this question, there is the concept of “investment.” One wants to know whether the beautiful small stones or the bigger but less beautiful ones will be valued more in the future. One has to acknowledge whether the “investment” feature is really so important, or if it’s just an excuse, a mask with which to disguise ones instinctive desire to own a stone. We do not know, with certainty, what will happen in the future; so far the precious stones have always been regraded, some more, some less, some in certain periods of time, some in certain others. This should reassure those who want to buy, so we recommend you to choose the stones that you like most – omitting curves of probable value increase as a function of variable characteristics of weight accretion, cleanliness, color, cut, name, and so on and so forth.
It is better to choose the stone you like most. We cannot know what will, in five or fifty years, have more value. But certainly, if between two stones you don’t choose the one you love but the one that looks like a better investment, tomorrow, looking at that same stone, you’ll regret that you did not choose another one.
QUESTION number 25 on page 58
Why do precious stones sparkle?
ANSWER number 1
Regarding the play of light, its reflection and refraction, light rays are broken down upon penetrating into a stone and are reflected from its table and lateral facets. This applies to all transparent objects. Precious stones sparkle in a slightly different way; perhaps they do so with a little magic.
While traveling on his spaceship, Ravei Soolep questioned Janos, the on-board computer, on metaphysical problems. Inevitably, Janos was not always ready to answer. Hence to the question whether he was part of the microcosm or of the macrocosm, the computer answered that there are unclear levels of cosmicity, so what for one is micro, for another could well be macro, after which it turned itself off. This was a trick Ravei Soolep used from time to time; with deactivated machinery, there was only silence and no blinking light. He could look at the stars, so bright and small, yet so big and dazzling.
Every time we breathe, millions of stars get inside us. (An Indian guru) )
ANSWER number 2
Precious stones have that special light because they want to be looked at in a certain way.
QUESTION number 43 on page 101
What is the relationship between stones and poetry?
It is very rare for poet to live out of their work, while thousands of journalists can, because the community spends over ninety percent of its cultural needs for newspapers. And probably many of these journalists are honest workers, and do not even remotely think that it is themselves and their newspapers that are the wall that separates general public from the spirit. (H. Hesse)
(H. Hesse)
Ravei Soolep put on a faint fight, claiming he could only move by mechanical means and therefore his limits; that he was a merchant working for money and not for art appreciation, and hence he would have been the least suited one for such a task. “Do not worry about the money, which you’ll never see.” This was the objection, and Ravei found himself mighty on his tiny spaceship amidst parallel dimensions, at speeds other than that of light, in search of the stone of poetry. Even though he had no idea what was the meaning of the word “poetry.” Janos, the on-board computer, could just give the definitions of some hundreds of dictionaries, which certainly could not solve the problem.
Poetry: s.f. “Illusion, invention, emptiness” (“that which almost all poets lack, and poetry saunters as good as unconcealed, absconds oft, and especially for “misery”or the like; and it is not rare to hear that “there is poetry” at a party, to mean that we lack the necessary, and that there is misery”: 1863 Fanf. Tosc), – ability to move and to arouse emotions, feelings, fantasies (the name “poetry” can be given to “all that is beautiful or ideal in one thing, or the pleasure we receive which driver us to try this same thing”)
To no avail Janos, the on-board computer, tried to rise up against the emotional coordinates Ravei Soolep set up for him full force. After all distress signals sprang into action, and after having repeatedly cried out his dissociation from the decisions taken by Ravei Soolep, Janos forewarned that the contingency of rotating from a journey through space and time accomplished on the encumbrance-bearing poetics that bonds precious stones all the way to reaching the origin of such an emanation, was less than any conceivable cipher. Ravei Soolep, beaming with happiness, restricted himself to say that, there was a likelihood after all, and without a moment of delay, activated all hand-operated devices for immediate departure. The environment was definitely primitive; the stream had clear and rowdy waters; the stones rolled down and the sun bedazzled. Under the shadow of one of those gigantic plants that were so common by rivers in the past, a young man lay beside his young woman. They did not possess a language made to state complex things; the Stone Age was yet to revolutionize the way of being of those early human groupings. They knew how to use rough clubs, and they knew how to hit far away by means of rocks and reeds. That young man was happy. He was healthy, full of lust for life, and he had, by his side, a beautiful young bride. They had made love not by instinct, but for pleasure, and he sensed the grandeur of such difference. He couldn’t imagine anything more beautiful, and the scenery in which they were embedded was wonderful. He felt he was a part of this wonder, and his perception was attracted by the play of light on the water with colored stones. He took hold of one of those oddly shaped stones, and the translation of his thought is roughly the following: “This stone is part of a great setting, where I participate with joy. I would like to somehow fix the magic of this moment, so I take this beautiful little stone, and tie it to the hair of my woman”. Ravei Soolep realized that this was the first precious stone in human history; the first to be used for joy and not for work, hunting or ritual purposes. Then he tried to follow this couple for some time, to see if that pebble more or less followed the progress of that family, but after a few weeks, the hair of the young was loose already, and that pebble was nowhere to be seen. So Ravei Soolep returned to the stream, picked up the first stone he could find, took it to his patron who, in his turn, did not find it interesting at all.
Have you ever heard of “crystallized poetry”?
QUESTION number 54 – on pag.125 –
How do you choose a stone out of a lot?
In many Thai restaurants, you have to choose the fish you want to eat from an aquarium.
The Government of Spain and the Government of France, apart from their differences, were identical. (Bertolini )
“Seeking” is: to have a purpose “Finding” instead, is to be free, open, without a purpose. For this we must be suspicious of all “useful”. Humanity dearly pays the price of technological progress with unforeseen destructions on earth; its evidence engraved on the face of the worker and of the businessman, with the benumbing of their soul, with new petrifying ways to die. Because the violin has been invented, because someone wrote the arias for “The Marriage of Figaro”, because a pretty stone has been faceted, humanity did not have to pay anything. (H. Hesse)
Who knows how, Ravei Soolep got hte idea that certain kunzites were able to memorize that particular feeling, that particular state of mind, that very special listlessness that congests you when you fall in love. Perhaps the pink-lilac color, delicate, with that soft and mellow shininess; or maybe that inner sparkle that makes it throb more than shine; maybe those thin and suffused blithenesses make your eyes flicker, especially in your memory, rather than when you have the stone in front of you.
But the fact was that Ravei Soolep was trying to remember the moments of him being in love, rather than the disappointments that often followed. Of course Ravei Soolep fell in love with a bit of everything: new women, new ideas, new stones, new adventures in which he intervened; and when he was about to be swiped by a new passion, a new camera, a new spaceship, a new smile, he already realized that particular listlessness, and nothing was worth the good intentions of wisdom framed half an hour earlier.
It was as if the sun got bigger on the horizon, bigger until it covers the entire sky, becoming faded from fire red to veiled lavender, and you feel like a you’re part of a painting in which a thousand other figures look in bewilderment at the threatening sun and seething sea made of foam of the color of amber, in a thousand bubbles which reproduce the universe in small-scale, and your gaze, just a bit liquefied in front of that jug of red beer, while you let your thoughts wander beyond the horizon and beyond small passions and you live, once again live, the enchantment of that look that triggered that strange listlessness, and you do not care about the noise and the smoke of the pub where you stopped for a drink, and you do not care if someone is trying to get themselves a free glass; you do not listen, you know that beer of poor quality will not satisfy your thirst, (so) you turn around that kunzite crystal in your finger, you imagine it as a pendant around a neck, down almost to the breast of that gypsy with eyes and hair so black and with that smile that fools you.
Many times one thinks to choose, but instead, is chosen. Every choice involves at least one sacrifice.
There are various strategies. The pessimistic, or the one due to successive surrenders: you begin to discard the less beautiful stones, and so on until only one remains. The optimistic, so you choose the most beautiful stones, and so on until you select the best. Some people use dowsing, getting aid from the pendulum. Some benefit from their intuition and some by the gods. Many ask the salesperson for advice, and others choose at random.
QUESTION number 79 – on page 193 –
It is true that stones set on a ring should touch the finger?
If the stone touches the finger, the ring can no longer be tightened or widened; thus the stone must not touch the finger.
By now we are used to the impossible loves of Ravei Soolep, and this time we see him involved in sending telepathic messages, interspace lettera and cablegrams to his beautiful Ddnael, of whom he found himself in love with but without Ddnael knowing anything of this love. Mind you, he did not confine himself to dream or to comunicate with her through the expensive systems that the cybernetics of that millennium was able to offer; every now and then he would also go to pay her a visit (or two). He would tell her about his ordeals, muttering his problems with Janos, the on-board computer which did not want to triple the speed to allow him to stay with her a little longer. And she would tell him of when, the times when she was very little, she would grow cyclamens in a flowerbed her father had designed for this purpose, and how here cyclamens would grow to become the most beautiful of all. He explained that the new processing technologies of certain stones could mark a turning point in intergalactic gemology and that perhaps there was a way of ‘having a hand‘ in this gigantic endeavour. And she would tell how her dream was to have a country house with dogs, cats, goats where she would play with them as if they were her children. And Ravei Soolep would tell her that he would gladly be disguised as a goat, so she would show him to the door, with a beguilment-spreading laughter. So, after a brief clumsy stopover, yet again in the solitude of stellar space, contemplating Ddnael, posting her messages, telling her that he would soon be back in the neighborhood of the planet Ter and that he was eager to meeting her again, she would answer that it was not true that they were so far away, because both were engaged in the beautiful vibration of the universe; he would complain that these vast visions confounded him and that he would have gladly settled for more personal vibrations, that he could not care less about the problems of the universe, that he thought this feeling was amply reciprocated by the same universe, that time and space were a fraud and also an entrapment to keep him away from Ddnael, but that he would have fooled everyone and would find a way to overcome the stupid limitations of time and space because, in effect, we are Martians. We have always suspected such circumstance but have come to its realization only after we had met. The real Martian nature has awakened in many aspects, and caused slow but decisive metamorphoses. This caused problems because, once it is clear that we are not of the earth, there was also a lessed will of proving earth-kind in what they were wrong; probably they are not wrong: they just happen to behave terrestrial. But perhaps this is only partly true. There does not exist neither terrestrial nor Martians, but only Solarians, expressed at different stages of evolution. And higher levels, they lead lonely existences, chok-full with responsibility. Let’s get ready. Our reunion can bring us much higher, and even more lonely. Being alone is, indeed, solar; (in italian “Sun” is “Sole” and “alone” is “solo”) but this is so only up to a point! We talk about “being” and “having”.This is quite different from a loving relationship between two who want to “have” a loving relationship, and two who want to “be” a loving relationship. In the first case, each will try to snatch something to the other, and both will come out impoverished. In the second case, each will seek unity with each other, and what will be enriched will not be only the two of them, but everything that surrounds them. It is the same with precious stones. One thing is a relationship of possession, another thing is the attitude of sharing. The first makes you greedy and petty, the second enriches you and can make you a sharer not only of the beauty and the light of stone in front of you, but of all the beauty and of all the light. These are the rare circumstances in which the various laws of thermodynamics go out like a light. The fact that to every action corresponds an equal and opposite reaction, is true for those who want to “have”from nature and from life: if you take, you will be taken. This trivial algebraic little rule ceases to be valid whenever there is a real participation: for a simple act of selfless love, we can attend to Universal Love, … and he would realize that the line had gone out long before, after he had talked for a long time.
A stone does not end where the stone ends, and a man does not end at the borders of his skin.
A caress on the skin may be more quivering than a cuddle-massage.
Let’s consider pranotherapy. The energy that is released from the hands of the therapist works best at a distance of a few centimeters, rather than at direct contact with the skin. Indeed, a body, whatever body, does not end at the boundaries of its uncouth substance, but goes on at various levels, in space and time. So a stone can come into physical contact with the finger of the person wearing it, and this is welcomed by most traditions. But it may be that the psychic aura of the person coming into contact with the energy aura of the stone could trigger a vibrational ratio of much greater power. Many New Age enthusiasts believe that this is the proper way to wear a stone: a few millimeters from the body, after the stone has, in some way, been “purified” by the powerful experiences that brought it up to become that same ring, and up on to that specific finger.